<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-1" data-item-id="65315b1715425c49becb652c" id="post-65315b1715425c49becb652c"> 对学生的支持| 1月份开始免费咨询


“我联系你是因为 西澳大学心理诊所 has mental health services available free of charge and we welcome your referrals. 大发体育提供以下服务:

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-2" data-item-id="653157bb005dc9511c63ae50" id="post-653157bb005dc9511c63ae50"> 支持学生|帮助孩子应对创伤性事件

以色列和加沙的暴力仍在继续, we know that many children around the world are disturbed and frightened by these ongoing events, 无论他们和他们的家人是否受到直接影响.

Join leading mental health and trauma experts in a special live event designed to help parents support children during these trying times. 话题包括发起关于创伤性事件的对话, 帮助孩子处理自己的情绪, and creating a supportive environment for your kids while also looking out for your own mental health.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-3" data-item-id="652db2bf683b08443129b6b4" id="post-652db2bf683b08443129b6b4"> 西雅图公立学校|高中生|桥梁

Seattle Public Schools’ BRIDGES program is designed for young adults with disabilities ages 18-21 who continue to need special education services outside of a 9th-12th grade setting/curriculum in order to meet their own unique post-secondary transition goals. 认证特殊教育教师, 接受过功能性特殊教育服务方面的培训, 是交付案例经理吗?.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-4" data-item-id="651b1d8845f67249eea8c37e" id="post-651b1d8845f67249eea8c37e"> YWA的俱乐部开球

今年, as we eagerly kicked off our clubs which is on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:10-11:30am each week. 大发体育非常强调让它们真正以学生为中心. We believe that giving our students the opportunity to take ownership of their extracurricular activities fosters a sense of empowerment and encourages their creativity to flourish. As a result, students themselves took charge and created detailed descriptions for each club. 让大发体育的学生参与到这个过程中来, we aimed to ensure that our clubs cater to their specific interests and provide a platform for them to pursue their passions.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-5" data-item-id="650c6d9a4a8e684525e64ee0" id="post-650c6d9a4a8e684525e64ee0"> ParentEd Talks | Atypical Approaches: Unlock the Brilliance and Beauty of Your Differently-Wired Kid

ParentMap, 是西雅图家长们值得信赖的资源, holds a highly informative and engaging parent education session each and every month. These sessions have proven to be invaluable for parents seeking guidance and support on a variety of topics. 值得注意的是,黄木书院, 社会的支柱, 曾荣幸地在过去赞助过一些这样的会谈吗. It is a testament to their commitment to providing holistic support to both their students and their families.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-6" data-item-id="650b396c6d1f556164d5c481" id="post-650b396c6d1f556164d5c481"> 红杉青少年辅导|秋季家长DBT课程

Sequoia Teen Counseling is offering an Intro to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Classes. DBT is one of the ways families chose for children to hone their skills involving core mindfulness, 痛苦宽容, 情绪调节, 人际有效性.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-7" data-item-id="64ded2daf18521418e2938d2" id="post-64ded2daf18521418e2938d2"> 工作人员聚焦|金·德斯金

Kim Deskin has been a wonderful 黄木书院 社区 member for 6 years. She is one of our wonderful English Language Arts teachers working with our high school students.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-8" data-item-id="64d1265021f6dc34e61dfb17" id="post-64d1265021f6dc34e61dfb17"> YWA满足 & 迎接| 9月5日星期二晚上9-12点

一年一度的聚会时间到了 & 问候! Bring your family, walk the campus and meet your teachers before the first day of school!

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-9" data-item-id="64d12136668f825aafa043a4" id="post-64d12136668f825aafa043a4"> 家庭机会| Brickcon 2023 & 感官友好时间信息

More information about Brickcon and their sensory friendly one-hour block on Sunday, September 10th!

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-10" data-item-id="6494c1cf67425d0b60b6a492" id="post-6494c1cf67425d0b60b6a492"> 来自校长杰德·麦莉的留言
<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-11" data-item-id="64793de80635e461aab9bef9" id="post-64793de80635e461aab9bef9"> 六月是骄傲月

一封来自大发体育的DEI协调员,大发体育的一位了不起的老师Emily Yuen的信:
This week is a delicate balance of flamboyant celebration, and somber reflection and activism.  今天是骄傲月的第一天, 和我, 就我个人而言, 参加庆祝活动,纪念LGBTQIA+人群,我感到非常兴奋吗, 过去和现在.  明天也是枪支暴力宣传日, 这就是大发体育要求员工和学生穿橙色衣服的原因.  今年, my students at Urban Native Education Alliance experienced fatal gun violence at their school, 哪个地方对他们来说应该是安全的.  我预计本周会有一些情绪重叠, 大发体育希望为每个人提供一个安全和支持的社区, 不管你的生活经历如何.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-12 featured" data-item-id="64666e4f0ba2a0207f0cb853" id="post-64666e4f0ba2a0207f0cb853"> 五月是心理健康宣传月

五月是心理健康宣传月, 什么时候应该提高意识,促进心理健康的重要性. 心理健康是大发体育整体健康的重要组成部分, and taking care of it is just as important as taking care of our physical health. You may face a range of mental health challenges, such as stress, anxiety, depression, 和更多的. Below are some strategies that can help you improve your mental health and well-being.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-13" data-item-id="6453de88e0c28e17e61473c7" id="post-6453de88e0c28e17e61473c7"> GiveBig | 5月2-3日


When you give what you can, great things happen for everyone and that is what Give Big is all about.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-14" data-item-id="643efe658bb78447c4ea9c0f" id="post-643efe658bb78447c4ea9c0f"> 暑期机会|贝尔维尤大学工作技能营

贝尔维尤学院 工作技能夏令营 今年又回来了,还有三周就要开始注册了吗.

Our two-week camps introduce workplace readiness skills and career options to young adults. Campers identify their unique strengths and explore vocational and educational options for their future in a safe, 友好的环境.

工作一技能: 7月10日- 20日或7月24日- 8月3日
工作技能二: 8月14 - 24日

所有夏令营周一至周四上午9:00.m. - 12:00 p.m. 并将在贝尔维尤学院校园内亲自主持.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-15" data-item-id="6424b20fd7768061d964af69" id="post-6424b20fd7768061d964af69"> 高中 & 超越:春季俄勒冈大学博览会

We invite your students to attend our second annual Oregon College Fairs and kick off their college search! They can chat with college admissions representatives from nearly 30 regional institutions to gather information about the application process, 重要的最后期限, 奖学金, 和更多的.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-16" data-item-id="641df2dd6d71573af548cc17" id="post-641df2dd6d71573af548cc17"> 暑期机会|斯坦福导师暑期项目

由斯坦福大学的本科生和研究生组织, Qualia Global Scholars is a selective pre-collegiate virtual summer mentorship program matching talented students in grades 6-12 with Stanford mentors.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-17" data-item-id="63fcf32b4b221750d7f56dad" id="post-63fcf32b4b221750d7f56dad"> 四年级学生机会 & 五年级|太平洋西北芭蕾舞团

An upcoming inclusive creative dance class that they are piloting at Pacific Northwest Ballet  (at their Bellevue location).  因为他们不断努力扩大大发体育对社区的服务, they’ve added sensory-friendly performances and have designed this class for kids ages 6-10 of all abilities, 流动性和需求. They have a small teacher student ratio and a wide range of support and strategies, and are p艺术nering with UW’s occupational therapy dep艺术ment to involve OT students.

附件是更多信息的传单. 大发体育也有各种语言的传单(阿姆哈拉语), 阿拉伯语, 中国, 朝鲜文, 西班牙语), 我很乐意提供这些, 也. 为期8周的课程费用为125美元, 虽然大发体育有奖学金,所以费用不是一个障碍.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-18" data-item-id="63fceeb45f6c912eed06116e" id="post-63fceeb45f6c912eed06116e"> 家长谈话|转移ADHD/ADD镜头:从残疾到能力


Dr. 哈洛韦尔花了40多年时间治疗被诊断患有多动症的儿童, 阅读障碍和其他学习差异. 通过他的工作, he has revolutionized a strengths-based approach to not only identifying neurodiversity, 而是发掘和赞美这些综合症中蕴含的才能. 加入大发体育,在3月2日改变你对神经多样性的看法, and to learn the best strategies to support the power and gifts of kids with ADHD.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-19" data-item-id="63fcf15ab4ae686c0b4b1578" id="post-63fcf15ab4ae686c0b4b1578"> 精神健康资源

哥伦布康复村遍布全国各地, but their team has worked hard to make sure our info is useful to anyone dealing with substance abuse and mental health issues anywhere in the world. They’re p艺术 of the Advanced Recovery Systems network and have facilities in many states. 他们为每位来访者提供量身定制的循证治疗, and also publish free informational guides on a variety of mental health topics. 他们认为教育是帮助那些需要帮助的人的第一步, 所以他们试图传播意识.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-20" data-item-id="63b4557ee2880a6ec6b2d300" id="post-63b4557ee2880a6ec6b2d300"> 父母谈话|过去的未来:种族主义在现代美国的遗产| 1月. 19 @ 1pm

千万不要错过这次与哈利勒·纪伯伦·穆罕默德博士的家长谈话.D., 和杰弗里·罗宾逊, 两位全国顶尖的种族学者, 民主, 不平等与刑事司法. 在这个现场, 网上交谈, they will discuss the hidden history of racism in our country and how to forge a path forward.
